NPORS Rigging and Fleeting Loads-NPORS

NPORS Rigging and Fleeting Loads-NPORS


• Have a managerial understanding of the industry, the dangers of working in the industry and their roles and responsibilities for performing rigging and fleeting loads tasks
• Have an underpinning knowledge of the manufacturers handbooks or guidelines for the equipment to be used and have an understanding of P.U.W.E.R, L.O.L.E.R, Working at
• Height, Manual Handling, Risk Assessments with a good awareness of British and International standards
• Be able to calculate weights and measures ensuring that the load weight is accurate and all
• CoG’s, angles, tensions are within the manufacturers guidelines for the safe rigging and fleeting of loads
• Prepare risk assessments for rigging and fleeting loads that covers basic, intermediate and complex categories
• Be able to correctly check the certification for lifting equipment appliances and accessories and understand the commonly used tools, access egress items and PPE only used definitions of the industry
• Correctly determine lifting equipment for the lift plan rigging and material lists including specific hand tools. Prepare a step by step method statement detailing a safe systematic approach including the pickup point, route to be travelled and laydown area
• Allocate team roles and responsibilities for riggers, supervisors and fixed appliance operators that can be utilised for scenarios covering basic, intermediate and complex categories
• Prepare a sketch, scaled drawing or have the understanding how to add pictures to lift plans ensuring the lift team understands the location and system of the operation in addition to text information
• Oversee tasks for complex rigging and fleeting operations ensuring the team safely follow the step by step method statement in the lift plan pack
• Liaise with the management, supervisors and workforce levels of lifting operations by attending meetings, TBT’s, PTW meetings, site visits in a responsible competent manner
• Participation in debrief meeting with lift team and discuss lessons learned during specific task

Training Methodology

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Course Details
Start Date: 25/08/2024
End Date: 27/08/2024
Exam Date: 27/08/2024
Program Days: sunday, monday, tuesday
Learning Mode: instructor led in class
Venue: askar
Course Fees
Total Fees: 260 BHD
Course Information